Tremendous Drive and Incredible Intelligence-A Clumber Spaniel Who Will Always Be Profoundly Missed
Raider Clumber (CH Cearig Millstream Take Kharge JH, RATO, GCG, SCM, SIE, SWA, SIAE, SCAE, NW1, ACT1) was the first Clumber spaniel to earn a Master title in AKC scent work and the first to earn an Excellent title. Raider’s pass rate in AKC scent work to earn both master and excellent titles, was nothing other than a perfect pass rate.
He is also the first Clumber spaniel to earn an ACT1 title in agility.
He raised well over $4000, by use of his profile on sweatshirts, for the Clumber Spaniel Rescue and Trust. Raider is profoundly missed by his mom, who misses his relentless high drive, mischief, and cuddliness.